In order to comply with new General Data Protection Regulations, St Sampson’s Church needs you to fill out this form so we can hold your personal information and send you communications by email and SMS (in the future!), including the monthly newssheet, prayer network emails and other emails about services and events.
Every adult needs to fill in a form each. You can also download and print a copy of the form. For children’s details we are using the S Club/Vibe forms, so please see a leader to ask for one.
St Sampson’s Church will use the information given on this form for administrative queries (e.g. regarding Gift Aid forms, a Standing Order or wedding booking) or for pastoral support that you have requested or during a time of illness or need.
St Sampson’s Church would also love to stay in touch so you have the latest news about services, events and other activities. Please opt in below.
You can read the full Privacy Policy here.
Please send me: (tick all that apply)