Upper Thames Group of Churches

St Sampson's, Cricklade
Holy Cross, Ashton Keynes
St John's, Latton
All Saints', Leigh

Contact Us

In need of help or want to get involved?

Let us know if you want help getting to church, want to take Holy Communion but are house-bound or are in need of prayer. 

If you'd like to get more involved in the church, we'd love to hear from you. Please contact us on at villagechurchAK@gmail.com, or see  details below.

  • Vicar: Revd Canon Debbie Dewes, vicar@upperthames.org.uk tel: 01793 752718
  • Associate vicar: Revd Shirley Danby, shirleydanby21@gmail.com, tel:07980 548844
  • Parish administrator: Jane Eyles, admin@upperthames.org.uk, tel: 01973 979304
  • Licensed Lay Ministers (Lay Readers):
    Peter Tuck 01285 861466, Suzi Tipper 01793 750778, Pauline Loveday 01285 861207
  • Churchwardens: Roger Dibben 01285 861396 and John Harvey 01285 861327
  • Holy Cross PCC Secretary: Andrew Sims 01285 869479
  • For weddings, baptisms and funerals please go to  www.upperthames.or.uk/what-we-offer/ or contact Canon Debbie, Revd Shirley or Jane Eyles
  • For safeguarding issues contact Jo Valpy 07746 640415
  • Village newsletter: Claire Sims aklnewsletter@gmail.com
  • To book a funeral contact Revd Shirley
  • Friends of Holy Cross: Alison Beadle 01285 861411
  • Summer fete: Claire Sims 01285 869479
  • Christmas Tree Festival: Alison Beadle villagechurchAK@gmail.com

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