Let us know if you want help getting to church, want to take Holy Communion but are house-bound or are in need of prayer.
If you'd like to get more involved in the church, we'd love to hear from you. Please contact us on at villagechurchAK@gmail.com, or see details below.
- Vicar: Revd Canon Debbie Dewes, vicar@upperthames.org.uk tel: 01793 752718
- Associate vicar: Revd Shirley Danby, shirleydanby21@gmail.com, tel:07980 548844
- Parish administrator: Jane Eyles, admin@upperthames.org.uk, tel: 01973 979304
- Licensed Lay Ministers (Lay Readers):
Peter Tuck 01285 861466, Suzi Tipper 01793 750778, Pauline Loveday 01285 861207 - Churchwardens: Roger Dibben 01285 861396 and John Harvey 01285 861327
- Holy Cross PCC Secretary: Andrew Sims 01285 869479
- For weddings, baptisms and funerals please go to www.upperthames.or.uk/what-we-offer/ or contact Canon Debbie, Revd Shirley or Jane Eyles
- For safeguarding issues contact Jo Valpy 07746 640415
- Village newsletter: Claire Sims aklnewsletter@gmail.com
- To book a funeral contact Revd Shirley
- Friends of Holy Cross: Alison Beadle 01285 861411
- Summer fete: Claire Sims 01285 869479
- Christmas Tree Festival: Alison Beadle villagechurchAK@gmail.com
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