Prayer is a crucial way of supporting our churches. You can find out more about how you can pray for us and we can pray for you in our prayer section.
Give to make mission happen
A share of the money donated to our churches by the congregations and friends, goes to the Diocese to make mission happen in parishes and schools in deprived areas. Watch the videos at to discover how we are playing a part in church growth in our Diocese.
Regular giving
Our churches are all funded by donations from their congregations and the wider community. We are very grateful for the support we receive. Without these gifts, we would not be able to continue.
If you wish to donate regularly, you can either use the weekly giving envelope scheme or set up a standing order. To set up a new standing order or amend an existing standing order, you can use online banking or write to your bank with the account details and the amount you wish to donate and the frequency of the donation. Please include as a reference your name (surname and first name) so that we can claim Gift Aid on your donations if you are eligible.
Please speak to a member of the Holy Cross Parochial Church Council to find out more about giving. Peter Tuck is the Giving Coordinator.