Upper Thames Group of Churches

St Sampson's, Cricklade
Holy Cross, Ashton Keynes
St John's, Latton
All Saints', Leigh

Contact Us

Regular groups

An opportunity to get to know each other better and build our community...

Exploring faith and the Bible

Tuesday Afternoon group

The Tuesday Afternoon group meets fortnightly at Katy Bell's house on the High Street, Cricklade at 1.45-3.15pm for Bible study and fellowship. Tel 01793 751790.

Wednesday Morning group

The Wednesday Morning group meets weekly during term-time in people's homes. 9.30-11am. All welcome, including people with young children.

Dig Deeper group

Dig Deeper is an informal group and together we dig into the Bible to find God's word for our lives today.  We usually meet for a block of 3 or 4 sessions on a Wednesday afternoon.  Contact Shirley Danby for details on 07980 548844.

Thursday evening Home Group:

The Thursday evening Group meets fortnightly. Contact Graham Light for details on 01793 759181.

Other activities


St. Sampson’s has an active choir which practises at the church on Friday evenings from 7-8.30pm. We sing at services on 3 Sundays of the month and there is a Choral Evensong at St. Sampson's once a year. We take part in other singing events such as the Swindon Music Festival. We also join with other choirs for special services eg. Choral Evensong at Tewkesbury Abbey and Bristol Cathedral. We welcome new singers - no previous experience of singing in a church choir required, just the ability to hold a tune! Anyone interested in trying out with us should contact the Parish Office - admin@upperthames.org.uk and we will get back to you.

St Sampson's Choral Evensong webpage

Bell Ringing

In Cricklade, the bell-ringers practise on a Wednesday evening 7.45-9pm and ring from 9.30-10am on a Sunday morning. In Ashton Keynes, they practise on a Thursday 8-9pm and ring Sunday mornings from 9.30-10am. New members are always welcome. Please speak to Brian Danby in Cricklade (01793 751463) and the Parish Office for more information on Holy Cross bell ringing.

Men’s Pub Group

Discussion, laughs and a pint or two at The Bear, High Street, Cricklade. Meets every other Thursday, 8pm. Just come along or for more information contact Paul Fray on 01793 750740.

Flowers for church festivals

Contact Gloria Light to find out details on 01793 759181. 

Church cleaning

The Ladies Cleaning Team & the Mens Cleaning Team take it in turns on the first Saturday morning every other the month. Refreshments provided. Contact the Parish Office - admin@upperthames.org - to be put in touch with the leaders of the teams.

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